It might have been about the shortest night of the year, with the trap only on for six hours or so, but it yielded the best catch I have had from this Skinner trap. After a warm, sunny day, skies remained clear for most of the night, with temperatures of 13.2°C at 22h30 and 10.0°C when I turned off the MV light at 04h00. Calm, with the hint of a light S air. A last quarter moon, with the new moon a week off.
There was still almost no activity by 23h00. The trap was almost dead, except for a
Aphomia sociella Bee Moth on the wall alongside. I had painted a bit of sugar around the garden, but only a few Marbled Minor spp. had come in. I anticipated a quiet night. But by 03h45 the trap was abuzz with insects attempting to escape. It took me the remainder of the morning to identify and log all the moths, and even then I had to pass over several other pugs, though not
Green Pug – an easy call! The more unusual species included a
Wood Carpet (noticeably larger than the 2 Common Carpets and with almost
no black wavy bisecting line in the outer white band of the forewing; confirmed by Jon Clifton), a
Miller resting on the wall,
Bird's Wing, a couple of
Large Nutmegs (confirmed by Andy Mackay) and a
Beautiful Hook-tip on the side of the trap
– all nationally local species. Highlights for me were 2
Privet, 2
Elephant and a single
Poplar Hawk-moth. (I only got a quick photo before it left
& will post).
Privet Hawk-moth Sphinx ligustri |
Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila elpenor |
Bird's Wing Dypterygia scabriuscula |
Large Nutmeg Apamea anceps |
Miller Acronicta leporina |
Green Pug Pasiphila rectangulata |
Wood Carpet Epirrhoe rivata |
Macro-moths (188 moths of 41 spp.):-
Micro-moths (12 moths identified, of 3 spp.):-
Megatrapping night - this is why you do it. Just love those hawk-moths. Did you tick off the Privet Hawk threat display?
ReplyDeleteThe Privet Hawks did a weak display, but we didn't want to make them fly in case they got eaten! Afraid to out out the trap now - it takes way too much time!